Mac Keyboard Shortcuts ( Must know)

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Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform various tasks efficiently using combinations of modifier keys and regular keys.

  1. Command + A: Select all items.
  2. Command + C: Copy selected items.
  3. Command + V: Paste copied items.
  4. Command + X: Cut selected items.
  5. Command + Z: Undo the last action.
  6. Command + Shift + Z: Redo the last action.
  7. Command + N: Open a new window or document.
  8. Command + P: Open the print dialog box.
  9. Command + S: Save the current document.
  10. Command + Q: Quit the current application.
  11. Command + W: Close the current window.
  12. Command + Tab: Switch between open applications.
  13. Command + Space: Open Spotlight search.
  14. Command + Shift + 3: Take a whole screenshot of everything on your screen.
  15. Command + Shift + 4: Click a snap of just a part of your screen.
  16. Command + F: Open the find dialog box.
  17. Command + T: Open a new tab in browsers.
  18. Command + L: Highlight the address bar in browsers.:

 Modifier Keys

Key Name Symbol Windows Equivalent
Command (Cmd) Windows Logo Key
Control (Ctrl) Control Key
Option (Opt) Alt Key
Shift Shift Key
Fn (Function) fn Function Key

Essential Shortcuts

Basic Operations

Action Shortcut Description
Copy Command + C Copy selected item to Clipboard
Cut Command + X Cut selected item to Clipboard
Paste Command + V Paste contents from Clipboard
Undo Command + Z Reverse previous action
Save Command + S Save current document
Print Command + P Open print dialog
Select All Command + A Select everything

Navigation & Windows

Action Shortcut Description
Close Window Command + W Close front window
Minimize Command + M Minimize window to Dock
New Tab Command + T Open new tab in Finder/Safari
Switch Apps Command + Tab Cycle through open applications
Hide App Command + H Hide current application
Force Quit Option + Command + Esc Force quit unresponsive app

Advanced Features


Action Shortcut
Screenshot Menu Shift + Command + 5
Full Screen Shot Shift + Command + 3
Selected Area Shift + Command + 4
Window Shot Shift + Command + 4, then Spacebar

Spotlight Search

Action Shortcut
Show Spotlight Command + Space
Finder Search Command + Option + Space
Web Search Type in Spotlight, press Command + B
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