Mow many Piedmont are there in the world

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There are at least two major piedmont regions in the world: Italian Piedmont (Piemonte) and Eastern United States Piedmont

Italian Piedmont (Piemonte)

  • An administrative region in northwestern Italy
  • Located at the foot of the Alps
  • Divided into eight provinces
  • Population of approximately 2.3 million people in the Metropolitan City of Turin alone

Eastern United States Piedmont

  • A plateau region stretching from New York to Alabama
  • Approximately 80,000 square miles (210,000 km²) in area
  • Situated between the Atlantic Plain and Blue Ridge Mountains
  • Contains major urban areas including Atlanta and Charlotte

While these are the two most well-documented piedmont regions, there may be others globally. The term “piedmont” comes from the French word “Piémont,” derived from Italian “Piemonte” and Latin “pedemontium,” meaning “foothill” or literally “at the foot of the mountains”  . Any other regions bearing this name would typically be located at the base of mountain ranges.

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